Wisnia Posted March 22, 2011 Report Posted March 22, 2011 Gracz: Wisnia Typ bana : SteamID SteamID : STEAM_0:1:36318265 Adres IP : Zbanowany : 21-03-2011 - 16:04 Długość bana : na zawsze Wygasa : Nie wiadomo. Powód : Za reklame. Zbanowany przez admina : Zdejm ten Fartuch ! Zbanowany na serwerze : TheGames.PL[bF2/4FUN][sTEAM+NoN]@ gry.wilan.pl Uzasadnienie kicka\bana: Bardzo przepraszam za reklame, nie zrobiłem tego specjalnie, otóż: Wcześniej serwer był pełny, więc wszedłem na surf_ski 2, po wyjściu z serwera zobaczyłem że ten serwer nie jest pełny, więc chciałem pograć, mam tutaj kilku kolegów z którymi lubie grać i bardzo lubie ten serwer, więc chciałbym znów pograć, podczas grania przypadkowo nacisnąłem przycisk jakiś który spowodował pojaiwnie się reklamy.Prosze o szybkie rozpatrzenie sprawy.Z góry pozdrawiam!
MajoR Posted March 22, 2011 Report Posted March 22, 2011 A mógłbyś napisać pod którym przyciskiem była reklama?
Raca Posted March 22, 2011 Report Posted March 22, 2011 Pokaż config, wyczyść reklamę z configu i znowu pokaż. Jeśli później również dostaniesz bana za reklamę, ub nie będzie.
FleeSzzUuu Posted March 22, 2011 Report Posted March 22, 2011 przycisk z reklamą to ? chyba "T" o ile nie pomyliłem osób. mam rajcę ?
Wisnia Posted March 22, 2011 Author Report Posted March 22, 2011 Tak, zgadza siępod przyciskiem T miałem reklame
FleeSzzUuu Posted March 22, 2011 Report Posted March 22, 2011 a co miałeś zawsze pod tym przyciskiem "T" że klikałeś go akurat ?
Wisnia Posted March 22, 2011 Author Report Posted March 22, 2011 Pod przyciskiem ,,T'' miałem kupowanie, tak mi było prościej niż standartowo ,,B''
FleeSzzUuu Posted March 22, 2011 Report Posted March 22, 2011 to teraz wstaw config o który prosił Raca
Wisnia Posted March 22, 2011 Author Report Posted March 22, 2011 // This file is overwritten whenever you change your user settings in the game. // Add custom configurations to the file "userconfig.cfg". unbindall bind "TAB" "+showscores" bind "ENTER" "+attack" bind "ESCAPE" "cancelselect" bind "SPACE" "+jump" bind "'" "say CS-EGP.LT | Surf TRAINING + Respawn Server 24/7 IP: | Top3 Gauna Uza 1men" bind "+" "sizeup" bind "," "buyammo1" bind "-" "sizedown" bind "." "buyammo2" bind "/" "say CS-EGP.LT | Surf TRAINING + Respawn Server 24/7 IP: | Top3 Gauna Uza 1men" bind "0" "slot10" bind "1" "slot1" bind "2" "slot2" bind "3" "slot3" bind "4" "slot4" bind "5" "slot5" bind "6" "slot6" bind "7" "slot7" bind "8" "slot8" bind "9" "slot9" bind ";" "+mlook" bind "=" "sizeup" bind "[" "invprev" bind "]" "invnext" bind "`" "toggleconsole" bind "a" "+moveleft" bind "b" "buy" bind "c" "say CS-EGP.LT | Surf TRAINING + Respawn Server 24/7 IP: | Top3 Gauna Uza 1men" bind "d" "+moveright" bind "e" "+use" bind "f" "say CS-EGP.LT | Surf TRAINING + Respawn Server 24/7 IP: | Top3 Gauna Uza 1men" bind "g" "drop" bind "h" "say CS-EGP.LT | Surf TRAINING + Respawn Server 24/7 IP: | Top3 Gauna Uza 1men" bind "i" "showbriefing" bind "j" "say CS-EGP.LT | Surf TRAINING + Respawn Server 24/7 IP: | Top3 Gauna Uza 1men" bind "k" "say CS-EGP.LT | Surf TRAINING + Respawn Server 24/7 IP: | Top3 Gauna Uza 1men" bind "l" "say CS-EGP.LT | Surf TRAINING + Respawn Server 24/7 IP: | Top3 Gauna Uza 1men" bind "m" "chooseteam" bind "n" "say CS-EGP.LT | Surf TRAINING + Respawn Server 24/7 IP: | Top3 Gauna Uza 1men" bind "o" "buyequip" bind "q" "lastinv" bind "r" "+reload" bind "s" "+back" bind "t" "say CS-EGP.LT | Surf TRAINING + Respawn Server 24/7 IP: | Top3 Gauna Uza 1men" bind "u" "messagemode2" bind "v" "say CS-EGP.LT | Surf TRAINING + Respawn Server 24/7 IP: | Top3 Gauna Uza 1men" bind "w" "+forward" bind "x" "say CS-EGP.LT | Surf TRAINING + Respawn Server 24/7 IP: | Top3 Gauna Uza 1men" bind "y" "messagemode" bind "z" "say CS-EGP.LT | Surf TRAINING + Respawn Server 24/7 IP: | Top3 Gauna Uza 1men" bind "~" "toggleconsole" bind "UPARROW" "+forward" bind "DOWNARROW" "+back" bind "LEFTARROW" "+left" bind "RIGHTARROW" "+right" bind "ALT" "+strafe" bind "CTRL" "+duck" bind "SHIFT" "+speed" bind "F1" "autobuy" bind "F2" "rebuy" bind "F5" "snapshot" bind "F6" "save quick" bind "F7" "load quick" bind "F10" "quit prompt" bind "INS" "+klook" bind "PGDN" "+lookdown" bind "PGUP" "+lookup" bind "END" "centerview" bind "MWHEELDOWN" "invnext" bind "MWHEELUP" "invprev" bind "MOUSE1" "+attack" bind "MOUSE2" "+attack2" bind "PAUSE" "pause" _cl_autowepswitch "1" _snd_mixahead "0.1" ati_npatch "1.0" ati_subdiv "2.0" bgmvolume "1.000000" bottomcolor "6" brightness "1.000000" cl_allowdownload "1" cl_allowupload "1" cl_backspeed "400" cl_cmdbackup "2" cl_cmdrate "30" cl_corpsestay "600.000000" cl_crosshair_color "50 50 250" cl_crosshair_size "small" cl_crosshair_translucent "1" cl_dlmax "128" cl_download_ingame "1" cl_dynamiccrosshair "1" cl_forwardspeed "400" cl_himodels "0" cl_idealpitchscale "0.8" cl_lc "1" cl_logocolor "#Valve_Dkgray" cl_logofile "skull" cl_lw "1" cl_minmodels "0" cl_radartype "0" cl_righthand "1" cl_shadows "1" cl_timeout "300" cl_updaterate "50" cl_vsmoothing "0.05" cl_weather "1" con_color "255 180 30" console "1.000000" crosshair "1.000000" fastsprites "0" fps_max "72.0" fps_modem "0.0" gamma "2.500000" gl_dither "1" gl_flipmatrix "0" gl_fog "1" gl_monolights "0" gl_overbright "0" gl_polyoffset "4" hisound "1" hpk_maxsize "4" hud_capturemouse "1" hud_centerid "0" hud_draw "1" hud_fastswitch "0" hud_saytext_internal "1" hud_takesshots "0" joystick "0" lookspring "0.000000" lookstrafe "0.000000" m_filter "0" m_forward "1" m_pitch "0.022" m_side "0.8" m_yaw "0.022" model "gordon" MP3FadeTime "2.0" MP3Volume "0.050000" mp_decals "300.000000" name "Wisnia" net_graph "0" net_graphpos "1" net_scale "5" r_bmodelhighfrac "5.0" r_detailtextures "0" s_a3d "0.0" s_automax_distance "30.0" s_automin_distance "2.0" s_bloat "2.0" s_distance "60" s_doppler "0.0" s_eax "0.0" s_leafnum "0" s_max_distance "1000.0" s_min_distance "8.0" s_numpolys "200" s_polykeep "1000000000" s_polysize "10000000" s_refdelay "4" s_refgain "0.4" s_rolloff "1.0" s_verbwet "0.25" sensitivity "3.000000" skin "" spec_autodirector_internal "1" spec_drawcone_internal "1" spec_drawnames_internal "1" spec_drawstatus_internal "1" spec_mode_internal "4" spec_pip "0" suitvolume "0.250000" sv_aim "1" sv_voiceenable "1" team "" topcolor "30" viewsize "120.000000" voice_enable "1" voice_forcemicrecord "1" voice_modenable "1" voice_scale "0.750000" volume "0.010000" setinfo "_vgui_menus" "1" setinfo "_ah" "1" +mlook +jlook exec userconfig.cfg jak widać nie tylko na przycisk ,,t'' dali mi reklame heh
ReVo Posted March 22, 2011 Report Posted March 22, 2011 A więc wyczyść config, zaznacz tylko do odczytu i jeszcze raz go tu wrzuć.
Wisnia Posted March 23, 2011 Author Report Posted March 23, 2011 // This file is overwritten whenever you change your user settings in the game. // Add custom configurations to the file "userconfig.cfg". unbindall bind "TAB" "+showscores" bind "ENTER" "+attack" bind "ESCAPE" "cancelselect" bind "SPACE" "+jump" bind "'" bind "+" "sizeup" bind "," "buyammo1" bind "-" "sizedown" bind "." "buyammo2" bind "/" bind "0" "slot10" bind "1" "slot1" bind "2" "slot2" bind "3" "slot3" bind "4" "slot4" bind "5" "slot5" bind "6" "slot6" bind "7" "slot7" bind "8" "slot8" bind "9" "slot9" bind ";" "+mlook" bind "=" "sizeup" bind "[" "invprev" bind "]" "invnext" bind "`" "toggleconsole" bind "a" "+moveleft" bind "b" "buy" bind "c" bind "d" "+moveright" bind "e" "+use" bind "f" bind "g" "drop" bind "h" bind "i" "showbriefing" bind "j" bind "k" bind "l" bind "m" "chooseteam" bind "n" bind "o" "buyequip" bind "q" "lastinv" bind "r" "+reload" bind "s" "+back" bind "t" bind "u" "messagemode2" bind "v" bind "w" "+forward" bind "x" bind "y" "messagemode" bind "z" bind "~" "toggleconsole" bind "UPARROW" "+forward" bind "DOWNARROW" "+back" bind "LEFTARROW" "+left" bind "RIGHTARROW" "+right" bind "ALT" "+strafe" bind "CTRL" "+duck" bind "SHIFT" "+speed" bind "F1" "autobuy" bind "F2" "rebuy" bind "F5" "snapshot" bind "F6" "save quick" bind "F7" "load quick" bind "F10" "quit prompt" bind "INS" "+klook" bind "PGDN" "+lookdown" bind "PGUP" "+lookup" bind "END" "centerview" bind "MWHEELDOWN" "invnext" bind "MWHEELUP" "invprev" bind "MOUSE1" "+attack" bind "MOUSE2" "+attack2" bind "PAUSE" "pause" _cl_autowepswitch "1" _snd_mixahead "0.1" ati_npatch "1.0" ati_subdiv "2.0" bgmvolume "1.000000" bottomcolor "6" brightness "1.000000" cl_allowdownload "1" cl_allowupload "1" cl_backspeed "400" cl_cmdbackup "2" cl_cmdrate "30" cl_corpsestay "600.000000" cl_crosshair_color "50 50 250" cl_crosshair_size "small" cl_crosshair_translucent "1" cl_dlmax "128" cl_download_ingame "1" cl_dynamiccrosshair "1" cl_forwardspeed "400" cl_himodels "0" cl_idealpitchscale "0.8" cl_lc "1" cl_logocolor "#Valve_Dkgray" cl_logofile "skull" cl_lw "1" cl_minmodels "0" cl_radartype "0" cl_righthand "1" cl_shadows "1" cl_timeout "300" cl_updaterate "50" cl_vsmoothing "0.05" cl_weather "1" con_color "255 180 30" console "1.000000" crosshair "1.000000" fastsprites "0" fps_max "72.0" fps_modem "0.0" gamma "2.500000" gl_dither "1" gl_flipmatrix "0" gl_fog "1" gl_monolights "0" gl_overbright "0" gl_polyoffset "4" hisound "1" hpk_maxsize "4" hud_capturemouse "1" hud_centerid "0" hud_draw "1" hud_fastswitch "0" hud_saytext_internal "1" hud_takesshots "0" joystick "0" lookspring "0.000000" lookstrafe "0.000000" m_filter "0" m_forward "1" m_pitch "0.022" m_side "0.8" m_yaw "0.022" model "gordon" MP3FadeTime "2.0" MP3Volume "0.050000" mp_decals "300.000000" name "Wisnia" net_graph "0" net_graphpos "1" net_scale "5" r_bmodelhighfrac "5.0" r_detailtextures "0" s_a3d "0.0" s_automax_distance "30.0" s_automin_distance "2.0" s_bloat "2.0" s_distance "60" s_doppler "0.0" s_eax "0.0" s_leafnum "0" s_max_distance "1000.0" s_min_distance "8.0" s_numpolys "200" s_polykeep "1000000000" s_polysize "10000000" s_refdelay "4" s_refgain "0.4" s_rolloff "1.0" s_verbwet "0.25" sensitivity "3.000000" skin "" spec_autodirector_internal "1" spec_drawcone_internal "1" spec_drawnames_internal "1" spec_drawstatus_internal "1" spec_mode_internal "4" spec_pip "0" suitvolume "0.250000" sv_aim "1" sv_voiceenable "1" team "" topcolor "30" viewsize "120.000000" voice_enable "1" voice_forcemicrecord "1" voice_modenable "1" voice_scale "0.750000" volume "0.010000" setinfo "_vgui_menus" "1" setinfo "_ah" "1" +mlook +jlook exec userconfig.cfg
Raca Posted March 23, 2011 Report Posted March 23, 2011 Ok, UB. Jednak pamiętaj, nastęnym razem już go nie dostaniesz. Zamykam.
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