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  1. Ten plugin robi nam bank na serwerze, odklada do niego kase, a także daje odsetki od zgromaczonej. Bank kożysta z bazy SQL...uses host/user/pass/db set in addons/amxmodx/configs/sql.cfg. Choose whether to use vault or SQL by changing the define in the .sma. -> Defaults to using the vault Komendy (usera i admina) dzialaja w normalnym say'u. Komendy Admina: -bank_open - Pozwala używać banku. -bank_close - Turn off all bank functions except checking of balance. -bank_givemoney <player> <amount> - Daje graczowi kase. (dziala bez konta, drugi gracz tez nie musi miec konta.) Komendy: -bank_create - Tworzy konto w "banku". Kiedy masz wystarczajaca ilość kasy, zdeponuje się ona w banku (ile,zależy od ustawień). -bank_amount - Wyświetla saldo konta. -bank_deposit <amount> - Odkladasz kase na konto <ilość>. -bank_withdraw <amount> - Wyciągasz kase z konta <ilość>. -bank_help - bank help - zaskoczyłem co . -bank_transfer <player> <amount> - Przekaz kasy z "konta bankowego" jednego gracza na kont drugiego. Obaj muszą mieć konta otwarte w banku, by zadziałalo. -bank_menu - Wyświetla bank menu. ---Najlepsze Bindy----- -maxdep - Odkłada całą kase jaką masz na konto. -maxwit - Wyciągasz max kasy z konta (do czasu osiagniecia 16000$). -------------------------------------- Cvars: -bank_default_opening (default 1000; in $) - Set the amount that will be automatically deposited from a player when that player opens a new account. If they do not have enough, what ever they have will be deposited. -bank_state (default 1; 0|1) - Turn the bank on/off. Use bank_open/bank_close instead because they give a message to the players. -bank_min_players (default 2) - Minimum amount of players required to access bank functions. -bank_restrict (default 0; 0|1|2) - Set whether or not to restrict bank usages to a defined list of players or admins not at all. If you use files the file will be addons/amxmodx/configs/bankusers.ini or if you use SQL it will be in the table bankusers. Just add their SteamID to either one and you're set. Setting to 1 will restrict to admins only and setting to 2 will restrict to the list. -bank_interest_rounds (default 15) - Number of rounds between giving interest. -bank_interest_rate (default 0.01) - Percent of money in bank to give as interest. (0.01 = 1%) -bank_fees_base (default 0; in $) - Bank fee for first transaction in each round -bank_fees_increase (default 0; in $) - Increase in the current bank fee per transaction. -bank_offrounds (default 1) - How many rounds to wait to turn on the bank at the beginning of the map. -bank_msg (default "This server is using AMX Bank. Type bank_help in console to find out how to use it.") - Set the message displayed to tell people that the bank is running. -bank_msg_interval (default 60) - Set the rate in seconds at which the message is displayed. -bank_use_ip (default 0; 0|1) - Set whether or not to use IP based accounts. Default is using SteamID based accounts. Defines: SQLON (default 0;0|1) - Define whether or not to use SQL. HELPPAGE[] (default "http://home.netcom.com/~everco_ice/bankhelp17.html") - Change this URL if you wish to use a different help page then the one I have provided. If you wish to make your own help page and upload it some where, find the line that says new HELPPAGE[] = and replace the address that's in the quotes with the web address of your new help page. reszte moze kiedyś wam przetłumacze Pobież PLUGIN Plik .SMA (źródłowy)
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