hulkster Posted December 8, 2010 Report Share Posted December 8, 2010 Lista zmian on najstarszej do najnowszej wersji HLSW HLSW (04. Maja 2010 r.) BugFix: HL2/L4D2: HLSW rcon automatycznie próbował połączyć się z serwerem, jeśli log jest odbierany.Powoduje to banem na IP, czy hasło rcon było nie tak. BugFix: HL2/L4D2: Zwiecha przy otrzymywaniu dziennika serwera BugFix: L4D2: Wyświetlanie kraju i dostawcy Dodano kilka nowych Informacje dla serwerów HL2/L4D2 i HL2/TF2 jak zespół i kolor zespół. Zmieniono lokalizację serwera wyszukiwarki gier HLSW (25. Kwiecień 2010) h£$w 1337 r3£34$3 - cokolwiek to oznacza Wyświetlanie dodatkowych informacji w liście graczy na: Global Id Kraj Gracz i provider internetu Steam ID Team Death gameME rank (pozycja na gameME - serwerze statystyk) gameME Global (światowa pozycja na gameME Global - światowe statystyki) gameME Skill [*] Aboutbox redesign. [*] Dodano LuaDialog tworzenia własnych okien dialogowych z lua. [*] Dodano "Właściciel" w widoku szczegółowym serwera. [*] Dodano podstawowe powiadomienia o stanie. [*] Dodano okno wyszukiwania gamerssearch. [*] Dodano wsparcie ustawienia lua. [*] Dodano mirc bot lua wsparcie do wspierania niewykrywanych ger jak tf2 lub l4d2. [*] Dodano wsparcie multiline, w widoku szczegółowym. [*] Dodano kilka nazw modów do naszej bazy danych. [*] Dodano kilka nowych funkcji lua by wesprzeć użytkowanie i listę serwerów. [*] Dodano wsparcie dla Urban Terror w grze indywidualnej był obsługiwany jako ioQuake -> Urban Terror [*] Dodano podpowiedzi do widoku szczegółów serwera z dodatkowym info o pluginach i linkach. [*] BugFix: CSPromod nie wykryto prawidłowo [*] BugFix: Zmieniono niektóre części kodu lua w celu wspierania nowych wersji luabind [*] BugFix: Kliknij na linki, nie był uznawany [*] BugFix: Paski narzędzi crashowały [*] BugFix: Brak 3 pierwszych znaków w dzienniku serwera zapisanym przez hlsw [*] BugFix: Pasek narzędzi zżerał pamięci [*] BugFix: Hasła ze znakem # nie zostały zapisane poprawnie [*] BugFix: Playerview crashował się w niektórych przypadkach [*] BugFix: Proxy ustawienia nie zostały zapisane [*] BugFix: Usunięcie błędu o szczegółach serwera [*] BugFix: Usunięto granice dialogów lua [*] BugFix: RichEditCtrl nie został zainicjowany prawidłowo [*] BugFix: Błąd SSLF - wiadomość problem z kodowaniem [*] BugFix: Aktualizacji klucza SSLF ponownie włączona [*] BugFix: Wybór tekstu w widoku szczegółów serwera [*] BugFix: Widok listy serwerów odświeżał się powoli [*] BugFix: Kilka błędów związanych z odbiorem dziennika połączeń na rcon [*] BugFix: Optymalizacje w widoku szczgółowym [*] BugFix: PunkBuster chat [*] Zmieniono zachowanie wejścia (okno Anuluj zatrzymuje teraz wszystkie działania) [*] Zmieniono luabind od 0,7 do 0,9 [*] Wyłączono dźwięk na polu wyszukiwania [*] Wyszukiwarka graczy: Dodano pola filtru [*] Widok Globalny: Dodano filtr [*] Widok Globalny: Dodano: własny wpis w liście modów [*] Internal restructure of masterserver communication [*] Nowa Gra: Wolfenstein 2009 (rcon włącznie) [*] Nowa wersja listy serwerów: 32 [*] Rcon: Wspiera teraz '/ connectpassword "" by usunąć connect password [*] Urban Terror: Prawidłowe wyświetlanie serwera HLSW (04. Lipca 2009 r.) BugFix: Serverpassword nie był dobrze ustawiony w przypadku niektórych gier BugFix: changelevel nie działa poprawnie na niektórych grach Lua pluginy: klient FTP został uszkodzon Lua wtyczki: Call of Duty widok z screenshot zmianiony Dodano kontrolę LuaPictureBox (obsługuje PNG i BMP) HLSW 1.3.2 (03. Lipca 2009 r.) Nowa gra: Killing Floor (KF) Nowa gra: ARMA2 (ARMA2) HL2: Dodano wsparcie moda Obsidian Conflict Rcon: Dodano retrievement dziennika przez PunkBuster UCON na kilku rcon obsługiwanych gier Rcon: Dodano /complete game - niezależną komendę rcona. Jest wykonywana po zakończeniu w konsoli rcon i może być skonfigurowana w rcon.cfg Rcon: Całkowicie zmieniono kod łączenia się rcon Rcon: Chat ingrated do gier, które wspierają Punkbuster (CoD2/4/5 i kilka innych) pluginy Lua: Dodano wsparcie Lua pluginy: HLSW Lua Plugins są teraz wyświetlane w oknie dialogowym Ustawienia wtyczek Lua pluginy: Simple FTP Client Lua pluginy: Call of Duty 4 Ustawienia ( zdjęcia ) Link do Buddy kontaktów dody ("Mój profil" na liście kontaktów oraz "Zobacz profil" w kontekście kontaktów menu lista) Linki do profilu serwera (Każdy host jest teraz link do swojego profilu) Dodano Polski HLSW IRC Botskin Dodano możliwość wyświetlania zalogowanych użytkowników na stronie głównej Przełączenie na 2,85 Prof-UIS URL HLSW i serverlist rozszerzenie plików teraz działa na nie administratorów konta Zmieniono domyślne Skin do Office 2003. Ma lepszy wygląd. Niektóre poprawki wydajności Okno dialogowe About aktualizowane BugFix: BF2 Lan emisji BBugFix: Lanserver zwiecha przy zamykaniu BugFix: Złe wyświetlanie znaków specjalnych, z hostów BugFix: Wyświetlanie posortowanych kolumn BugFix: Podpowiedzi w rconsection BugFix: HL2 problem z banlist BugFix: Gamerssearchview mogą paść przy zamykaniu BugFix: Serverlist nie była sortowana poprawnie przez typ gry BugFix: Tryb debug Rcon był domyślnie włączona ze względu na niezainicjowanej zmiennej BugFix: Link do profil serwera naprawiony BugFix: Błąd Crash przy wracaniu z paska narzędzi win BF2: Naprawiono protokół rcon Serwerów uaktualnienie: 31 HLSW 1.3.1 (15. Stycznia 2009 r.) Nowa gra: Left 4 Dead + rcon support Pierwsze wydanie HLSW z wtyczką Lua L4D: Rcon: Fixed komenda rcon status L4D: Rcon: działa okno rozmowy L4D: Rcon: Fixed rcon status command L4D: Rcon: Enabled chat window BugFix: Auth request window get the focus while gaming Links in global view are now displayed inside HLSW Steam based games are now only detected if they are available in steam and not if steam is installed Games.cfg: Added a new FileExists parameter for game detection [*] Added File -> Advanced -> Open config directory [*] Added UPnP support for automatic port forwarding [*] BugFix: Unexpected disconnect on startup [*] BugFix: View system shortcuts (Ctrl + Number) was broken [*] BugFix: Removed some memory leaks [*] BugFix: Deactivated player name autocompletion in Player Name Bar [*] Buddy List View: Buddylist is now sortable (Context Menu) HLSW (Beta) (18. Nov 2008) BugFix: HLSW not closed correctly HL: Removed InGame WONID Query Serverfilter: Addon selection dialog changed BugFix: Filter was not loaded BugFix: Create view has produced a non responding view Added advanced filter to serverlists (lua scripting) Added admin notification Added popup notifications New server list format 30 BugFix: Server properties dialog was incorrect New Game: Call of Duty: World at War (CoDWW) + Rcon Support Cleaned Server Properties Dialog BF2: Fixed rcon support Enabled URLs within Global View HL: Fixed version and HLTV detection of protocol 48 based game servers CrysisWars: Corrected timeleft and friendlyfire display Removed link to Gamers Search from main menu The view manager can now be opened for view that are not editable HLSW (Beta) (12. Oct 2008) Server list view: Added connect on double click (Must be activated in Settings -> Misc) HL2 LogMod support Added close to tray and rcon auto completion settings Added mod version display BugFix: Mircbot stack overflow BugFix: Mircbot uninitialized varible on stop Moved to Visual Studio 2008 BugFix: Wrong directory for debug information BugFix: Plugins have not worked with Windows Vista BugFix: Problems with huge player right click menu BugFix: Additional server parameters did not work for the most games BugFix: Restart log on mapchange Changed plugin interface BugFix: Serverlist Refresh not working if global view is active HLSW LAN Server: Port settings are used from active LAN server liste (if possible) HLSW 1.3.0 (20. Sep 2008) Major Added new global server lists tab (See demo video) Added server drag and drop (See demo video) Added "Create Server List" to context menu of global view [*] New Game: Challenge Quake 3 [*] New Game: Frontlines-Fuel of War [*] New Game: Far Cry (Thanks to Butthead) [*] Added new plugin functionality [*] Added reams of modification to the config files. Special thanks to Butthead and all other users for constributing updates to config files. (see Approved HLSW Config Changes) [*] BugFix: Tray mode without traffic did not stop querying the server. Misc Added watch support for Multi Thefts Auto - Vice City (Thanks to Butthead) Changed main tab layout to global, classic, buddy list and administration Added back and forward mouse actions on html views Included Norwegian translation (Thanks to Joakim 'Sipi' Grv) Included Turkish translation (Thanks to Ozgur Uysal) Gamers Search Filter: Added version parameter Increased system performance Added SQLite export for GlobalID Database Enabled context menu by shift + f10 or context menu key Set HLSW process priority to "Below Normal" while in system tray Games.cfg: Added 'IRCBot' variable to mods ETQW: Supporting getInfoEx query ETQW: Added ranking detection D3: Better rcon support Prey: Map change on rcon is working Server List View -> Context Menu -> Send to Buddy: Offline buddies are also displayed Supporting account parameters for "Param"-Parameter method (Games.cfg) CoD2/4: Using "onlykick" as rcon command to kick players UT3: Better protocol support (Detecting password and mutators) Player context menu can be configured (rcon.cfg) to open URLs instead of executing rcon commands Added server hostname linkable with the 'hlsw_url' rule Disabled autocompletion on the rcon console BugFixes BugFix: Buddylist history saves now only messages BugFix: It was not Bpossible to change the number of rcon lines in Settings -> Rcon BugFix: Increased size of server list filter dialog for language compatiblity BugFix: ETQW: Detecting password protected servers BugFix: Location flag in server details displayed an old flag instead of no flag BugFix: Problem with find function in rcon console BugFix: ETQW rcon is working BugFix: HL2: Rcon command parsing of "status" is now working for servers with activated source tv BugFix: CoD4: Map list displayed invalid maps BugFix: CoD4: Fixed rcon status command parsing BugFix: Open global id editor in player list view did not select the player BugFix: CPU load in global id editor BugFix: Crash in trace route BugFix: Crash on export of global id database (banned.cfg) BugFix: Now the password field is selected as default on login dialog BugFix: Steam favorites import BugFix: Auto status generated a ban HLSW 1.2 Series HLSW (29. March 2008) BugFix: Problems with rcon (BF2, BF1942, HL2) BugFix: Window position problems BugFix: Crash on trace route Added ping history for game servers HLSW (Not Released) BugFix: Fixed crash bug on player list BugFix: Player list view -> Copy whole table BugFix: Rules list view -> Copy Key/Value BugFix: Rules list view -> Change value per double click BugFix: Settings -> Settings -> Startup -> Select server/server list -> This server/server list -> Server list BugFix: Rcon Section -> Ban List: Problems on wonid db display BugFix: Rcon Section -> Ban List -> Add all bans from global id database Added message if connect.log file not found BugFix: Global Player ID Database: Sort by names or comment Added connect parameter for STALKER (untested) HLSW 1.2.1 (3. February 2008) BugFix: Mirc name problems BugFix: GlobalIDDB editor menu crashes BugFix: Crash on webserverlist receive BugFix: Wrong resourcestring at settings BugFix: GlobalIDDB editor menu problems Added Studio2008 Skin New Game: Armed Assault New Game: F.E.A.R. Perseus Mandate New Game: SWAT 4: The Stetchkov Syndicate BugFix: Some game icons in server liste combox box were not displayed Rcon.cfg: Supporting RepeatText key in PlayerRightClickMenu BugFix: Crash on clicking reset button at settings BugFix: Settings for connecting was not save BugFix: Languages changes was not saved BugFix: Wrong online status at statusbar BugFix: Serverlist paths problems Added Help tab BugFix: Crash on empty rcon line Added ETQW 1.4 support Added context menu to copy serverlinks and messagetext BugFix: Crash on delete View BugFix: Connect to Steam (HL) games BufFix: Rcon banlist not sortable HLSW (Beta) BugFix: Rightclick menu input doesn't work correct BugFix: Tray icon problem on return from game BugFix: Serverlist path on serverlist toolbar now without path BugFix: Combobox selection BugFix: Menu problems with default skin BugFix: Mirc name problem on connect BugFix: Rcon console buttons doesn't work correct Added to tags for connect BugFix: HL custom mods connect BugFix: Password parameter problem BugFix: Additional parameter problem Added to rightclick menu of serverlist view a "send to" option BugFix: Wonid menu crashes BugFix: Crash on webserverlist receive BugFix: Wrong resourcestring at settings HLSW (Beta) Included multiple customizable views Added HL2 Mod support (tested with Fortress Forever and Insurgency) Added sounds disable option BugFix: No beep on sounds are not exist BugFix: HLSW maximize the window on hlsw link click BugFix: Console output not visible BugFix: Icons disappear Changed: "Beep if someone enters the server" moved to sounds section Internal: Switch to Shared DLL Runtime Added: Allow one instance option Moved: Sounds settings now global BugFix: Window position recover Added: CSPromod BugFix: UT protocol problems Added: ETQW 1.2 protocol support BugFix: Server change event Added: New plugin interface Changed settings dialog to Prof-UIS BugFix: Freeze in login screen Changed some other dialogs and rcon section to Prof-UIS BugFix: Size of toolbars was wrong and not the same Added: Simple CoD4 support Added hlsw url to add buddies: hlsw://buddyadd.hlsw?Buddies= Added "My and neighbouring countries" option to gamers search BugFix: Problems with steam parameters BugFix: Settings doesnt work correct Ported gamers search query to new protocol. More information like reserved slots are returned from gamers search. Gamers Seach query is now only possible for logged in users. AAO: Displaying global punkbuster id Global Player Id Database Editor: Added support for punkbuster ids New Global PlayerId Database Version: 7 Games.cfg: Added command line parameter description per mod Added "Extra" column to server list view Added russian translation (Thanks to Cheetah) Added new polnish translation (Thanks to hexen) Added a lot of config changes from wiki Added spanish HLSW translation (Thx to Rubén Delpino) The view tabs can be selected by Ctrl + 1..9 or Ctrl + Left/Right Added new file menu option to open the appdata directory BugFix: Challenge bug on HL/HL2 games fixed BugFix: Iconhandle leak fixed on systemtray Added new rightclick menu option "INPUT" example: BugFix: Receive log after mapchange BugFix: Skin problems Added skin xml support Added buddylist history Internal: Login password encrypted Added: Now rightclick on trayicon open new waiting messages HLSW (Beta) BugFix: mIRC Bot crashed on start / stop BugFix: Exception on mIRC Bot channel selection BugFix: Some bugfixes for strings BugFix: HLSW port on startup was wrong or invalid Switched to Visual Studio 2005 BugFix: Quake 4 protocol fixed BugFix: Crash on server deletion Converted Buddy List Chat to Prof-UIS BugFix: Change default font in rcon console to Courier New to support more unicode chars BugFix: Custom icons are displayed everywhere correct Changed HLSW complete to custom icons HL2: BugFix: "Retrieve long on map change" switch was grayed out in rcon section Buddy List: Ability to rename user Added Enemy Territory: Quake Wars support Buddy List: Added offline messages HLSW 1.2.0 (10. August 2007) Major Converted HLSW to Unicode HLSW can now be translated by config files (cfg/language) (see HLSW Language Config Files) The right click player menu can now be configured by config file (cfg/rcon.cfg) (see Rcon.cfg) Added login screen Reimplemented Buddy List Added chat to Buddy List New Game: Nexuiz New Game: Tremulous (with Rcon support) New Game: STALKER New Game: Pariah New Game: ioquake3 New Game: Medal of Honor Pacific Assault New Game: Postal 2 Buddy List Added "Login on Startup" option to preferences Buddy List: Displaying local time of user Buddy List Chat: Flashing Buddy List Chat: Displaying chars limit Buddy List Chat: Change of buddy status is displayed in history Buddy List Chat: Ignoring spaces, tabs and returns on begin and end of message Login: Added language selection combo box Buddy List: Displayed complete in gray if oneself is offline Added new messenger settings dialog Buddy List is activated by default after new install Added flashing message icon to messenger Config New AddOns: Server Buddy, sXe Injected, RatMod, Detox Removed AddOns: Sharedbans, cvar-x HLSW Config (Games.cfg): It is now possible to load an external icon for every game/mod. If Icon parameter is not specified the icon is loaded from ico/.ico HLSW Config (Games.cfg): Added config for player name detection Language Added language selection to installer. The selected language is later used in HLSW. New language: Slovak New language: Chinese (Taiwan) (70% finished) (Thx to Clovis Lee) Updated French translation New language: Hungarian Implemented function to show completion status of each language file (File -> Advanced -> Show language status) Game Specific HL/HL2: Removed question mark in front of STEAM USERID validated messages HL2: Supporting compressed rules packages HL: Modified ban list parsing HL2: Supporting Garrys Mod Steam: Rewrote vdf parser to work better with some server list imports HL2: BugFix: Password detection via rcon is working again HL2: GMod: Displaying mod name HL2: BugFix: Metamod:Source works again (tested with MetaMod:Source v1.4.2.414) ET: Parsing sv_numbots variable for bot count CoD2: BugFix: Changed set rcon password parameter CoD/CoDUO: Added "set rcon password" connect parameter CoD/CoDUO/CoD2: Updated start parameters CoD: BugFix: Changemap CoD: BugFix: wrong parse of rcon status output OFP/OFPR: Fixed connecting parameters Q4: Supporting version 1.4 Q4: Supporting ^c color tags UT2003/UT2004: Supporting colored server names Quakeworld: Supporting spectator display Q3: BugFix: Negative port numbers Q3C: Displaying ping on player connection and map change as ? GUI Server List View -> Right Click Menu: Inserted copy HLSW URL Player Right Click Menu: Removed send to console message Settings -> Connection: Added test button for instant messanger Displaying maps in red if game/mod is not installed and map detection mechanism is not implemented for this game Global Player Id Editor: Added banned column for sorting Global ID Database Editor: Some modification on column header (saving width, displaying sort order) Implemented Ctrl + A in Global ID Editor to select all items Rcon Ban List: Added Ctrl + A, sorting and filter functionality Added HLSW LAN Flag that is displayed for LAN servers Server Details View: Added game/mod links Server List View: Game column is now sorted by acronym and not by id UI: Redesign of toolbars UI: Removed reservedslots and adminmod toolbar Added "Press F6 to update server list" info to server list view Modified file and advanced menu order Server details view: Added game icon Lan serverlist games are now sorted by name Added blinking letters for users with pending messages Buddy list shows now "Not In List" users that send a message. Right click -> delete user removes it from list Added Buddy List -> Right click -> Copy -> ID Added ingame status on toolbar Misc Log files are now saved in both ASCII and Unicode format. The file names of unicode formated files end with "_w". Global ID Database Editor: MySQL export saves player names and comment as utf8 Added function to clear provider cache (File -> Advanced -> Clear provider cache) Added HLSW Sentinel as ranking if logmod is activated Removed Cheating-Death support New server list format 29 New wonid database format 6 Added NGL-ONE rules Added server list selection dialog if someone clicks on a hlsw url. Can be deactivated in settings. New HLSW icon for 24x24 and 48x48 Using mod name and acronym information for displaying mod information Using mod name information for mod selection in gamers search properties page Added "Wait for game" dialog when starting steam based games Gamers Search Filter: Added "My Country" select Added Default Gamers Search Server List after installation Implemented version check that displays a browser dialog window Integrated load balancing system to connect to different master servers Added config changes from wiki Bug Fixes BugFix: Removed first line in trace route BugFix: HLSW could crash on restoring from system tray BugFix: A server selection in IP/Port Combo Box didn't display server in text field and didn't force server list view to scroll to server BugFix: Redraw problems with first player column BugFix: Server Details View: URL is removed from status bar if mouse leaves a url BugFix: Quit & Restart function is working again BugFix: Splitter displayes correct after new install BugFix: Rcon Ban List: Sorting by number BugFix: Scroll position not saved in ban list BugFix: Negative player values BugFix: Memory leak in debug log BugFix: Rcon Console: C-Button BugFix: Doubleclick on hlsw tray icon could open function of next icon tłumaczenie in progres Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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